Reconditioned Parts
At Phil Hunt Parts we offer a large variety of Reconditioned Parts, from Simple things like Water Pumps to more significant things like Engines and Transmissions, we try very hard to carry a range of Reconditioned Parts that suit our Specific Industry and Specific Client Base.
Generally we sell our Reconditioned Parts on a Service/Exchange basis whereby we will have you send us back your damaged “Core” for us to rebuild and replenish our own Stock, thus enabling us to keep a steady flow of Good Quality Parts in the Field at all times. The Service/Exchange Facility is generally used by Contractors who cannot afford downtime, an ideal solution for those mid job breakdowns everyone dreads.
Listed Below are some of the more common Reconditioned Parts we carry :

- Cylinder Head Assys
- Short Engines
- Long Engines
- Water Pumps
- Transmissions
- Torque Converters
- Heat Exchangers
- Ram Cylinders Assys
- Engine Oil Pumps
- Orbital Valves
- Control Valves
- Steering Box Assys
- Circle Turn Box Assys
- Fuel Injection Pumps
- Starter Motors
- Master Cylinders
- Slave Cylinders
- Brake Boosters